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New Year, New Ways

Welcome back to Junior Highs on September 1, and to everyone on September 2.

Please look under the covid-19 tab for information about our general routines for this fall that align with the NGPS Back to School Plan and AHS guidelines. Please note, that the covid-19 situation is ever-changing, and as such, what we need to do at OJSH may change in short time. Stay tuned to the covid-19 tab for information to keep up to date!

Have a look under the Students and Parents tab under the title Student Handbook. You will notice our bulky handbook from last year has been streamlined into two - one for JH and one for SH. These should be much more user-friendly and pertinent to your child's grade level. The most significant changes are to the following policies/procedures:

One-to-one technology

Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs)

ALL students who do not have a personal chromebook or laptop will be provided one this year. These are signed out like a textbook and are the student's responsibility for the year. Should we have to move to virtual learning, this ensures all students have access. It also allows for students to have equal technology access at school and reduce the need for PED use.


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